Our Journey For A Little One

Sunday, February 1, 2015

A New Morning Routine

A new morning routine has been established and it goes like this;

6:15 am - Heating pad on my cheeks
6:20 am- Ice my behind
6:25 am- Shot time!
6:30 am - 5 minute massage from the hubby w/heating pad.

Seriously, I feel great! The sesame seed OIP shot is so much better and with the above routine, I'm not in pain! I only have two small knots left in my muscles, so we are making progress. The hubby keeps asking me if I feel pregnant and I keep telling him no because I hate to get his hopes up. When we were trying on our own, I would imagine every symptom under the sun (wishful thinking perhaps), but we'd only end up disappointed. So currently I'm trying not to read too much into my body aches and such, or to think in general. ;-)

So far, so good.

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