Our Journey For A Little One

Monday, July 27, 2015

It's Go Time!

Last week I had my ultrasound and learned that my lining is 10 mm thick (my nurse said it can range from as little as 6mm thick), so we are ready to go. Friday was my last Lupron shot and I am thankful! No more bruising! No more hot flashes! We also began the dreaded progesterone shot, but its all kind of routine now. The one good thing is that we wake up early, ice my behind, the hubby gives me the shot, and then he massages the injection site before we fall back to sleep....and I don't have to think about shots for the rest of the day. It makes me feel kind of normal....kind of. I'm down to two estradiol pills a day now and Zithromax & Medrol are taken at night to help fight off infection.

Today I had my very last acupuncture appointment.....and it felt heavenly. Very relaxing. So that's where we are at. Tomorrow we make the drive down state for our transfer at 10:30. I've had a couple of people ask me how I'm feeling (we've told less people this time.....maybe a handful of folks) and I'm hopeful.

 We are hopeful.

Thanks for the love & prayers.


Monday, July 13, 2015

The Infertility Game

A little infertility humor for you, because sometimes you just have to laugh.


That's what I feel like I'm on.....a rollercoaster.

One minute I'm on top of the world and the next minute, I'm coasting quickly to the bottom. I'm happy, then I'm sad. These hormones are not fun. Add to the mix; Estrace (more estrogen) twice a day. I started taking these pills last Saturday and will be upping my dose to three times a day on Wednesday. I would love to say that I am not suffering from side effects of the hormones, but I am. Migraines and hot flashes have become my new BFF's and they won't seem to leave me alone. Over the weekend, it wiped me out completely....two days of hell and canceled plans. I finally had to break down and turn on the Central Air. BUT, it could be worse as there are a lot of side effects and some a lot worse than what I am experiencing. Don't even think about Googling them mom. Just don't.

Today is one of those days where I can cry over everything.....it's awful. I hate feeling mopey and down. Especially, since coming off the high of our last two fun-filled weeks. I have feelings that I know I should not have; a little bit of jealousy mixed in with some good old fashion bitterness. But, I am human.....

My friend recently informed me that she shared my blog with a friend of hers that is about to begin the IVF process. If you are reading, I wish you and your husband the best of luck. It's a crazy ride and you will indeed, wonder if you are crazy. You're not. People will say the wrong things and you may secretly want to punch them in the face. Forgive them. They have no idea what you are going through unless they have walked in your shoes. Surround yourself with a great support system, because it's nice to be able to lean on someone other than your husband all the time (because this process will be hard for him too).

Speaking of husband....last night he crawled into bed and gave me lots of snuggles. At one point he even whispered to me, "I love us." How lucky am I? So maybe my hormones aren't showing too much after all?  ;-)

15 days til our transfer.
I'll take any prayers for us and our embryos.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Round #3 Here We Go!

Status: Round #3, FET #2 in progress! 

In fact, I'm on day 10 of the Lupron shot. So far, only one migraine! My tummy is bloated from the hormones and toughening up again, which makes trying to get a needle in painful and a little challenging (but the pain is brief). We are just waiting for my period to start (delayed by the lovely Lupron hormone) and then the blood work begins to check my estradiol levels. This will give us a better idea of when our transfer will happen. 

So that's where we are at. Overall, I'm in a good place. I'm super relaxed and hopeful. The hubby and I have had quite a challenging year..... consumed with this on-going process and job loss, but we always come out stronger and swinging. We contemplated delaying this procedure for a 'better' time, but when is that? As I've said before, my uterus isn't getting any younger. ;-)

In the meantime, as we wait, we are enjoying our summer and making the most of it. Within this last week alone, we've visited the wineries to celebrate our 6 year anniversary, have gone boating, kayaking, beaching, and off-roading. We've had visitors and met up with old friends. My face hurts from smiling so much and I'm absolutely exhausted....in a good way. 

So that's where we are at. 

Positive thoughts. 
